Netherlands OML Conference 16 October 2020

The conference committee is proud to present the program of the online edition of NOMLC2020. Please register for the conference by filling out the registration form. The registration deadline is Wednesday 14 October. 

10:00–10:05Music and welcome slide
10:05–10:15Opening by Ivo Adan & Zümbül Atan
10:15–10:30Break out – session 1

Keynote: ‘Logistics innovations in the context of the Physical Internet

Keynote speaker: Iris Vis

11:15–11:30Breakout – session 2

Workshop ‘Making you and your research visible

Workshop leader: Jan Fransoo

12:30–12:45Online stretching session by Erasmus Sports (optional)
12:30–13:30Lunch (offline)

Workshop ‘Don’t take it personal! Critical advice for your personal grant

Workshop leader: Caspar Chorus

14:30–14:45Breakout – session 3

Keynote ‘Large Scale Last Mile Operations: Trends, Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation

Keynote speaker: Julian Pachon

15:30–15:35Group photo in Zoom
15:35–15:45Closing by Bert van Wee