Conference CommitteeZümbül Atan (TU/e – chair and representative Beta)Ivo Adan (TU/e – representative GP-OML Program Board)Niels Agatz (EUR – representative ERIM)Renzo Akkerman (WUR – representative Beta)Cynthia Kong (EUR – representative ERIM)Evrim Ursavas (RUG – representative TRAIL)Geertje Kramer (policy advisor Beta)Freke Sens (support staff Beta)
Conference SecretariatOffice Beta Research Schoolc/o Eindhoven University of TechnologyBuilding 3: AtlasFloor 3, section North, room 3.430Groene Loper, TU EindhovenPO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhovenphone: + 31(0)40 247 4733email: