While I don’t have an academic foundation in teaching anyone this, I will share some of my experiences – many by luck, some by design – that enabled me to obtain visibility for my research results in the wider academic community. I will share both experiences from when I was a junior scholar and from now that I have some more grey hair.
As this is a workshop, we will get the participants to work on thinking of what you could do, given your research, career phase, and ambitions, to become more visible.
Jan Fransoo
Jan C. Fransoo is Professor of Operations Management & Logistics at Kuehne Logistics University in Hamburg, Germany, and (by courtesy) at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. His current research mainly focuses on retail operations and logistics in developing countries, while he is also involved with projects in human behavior in supply chain planning, and in supply chain sustainability and social responsibility. Fransoo has published on a wide variety of topics in supply chain and operations management and engineering. He currently serves as Associate Editor of Operations Research and Production and Operations Management.
Personal grants from the NWO (Veni, Vidi, Vici) and the ERC (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced) can provide jet-fuel to your career and academic ambitions. They generate intellectual freedom, the opportunity to hire PhD-students and Postdocs, and they give your work a quality stamp to the outside world. As such it is obvious that you will not be the only one applying for such a grant – acceptance rates typically hoover a little above 10%. Given the very hard work that goes into your application, this may seem like a bad investment of your scarce time. However, there are tips & tricks that may help you to substantially improve your odds; and in this workshop, I will share some of those with you in an interactive fashion with plenty of room for questions.
Caspar Chorus
I am professor of choice behavior modeling at TU Delft and head of the Engineering Systems & Services (ESS) department. My work focuses on developping and empirically validating models of human decision-making that combine high levels mathematical tractability and behavioral realism (e.g. capturing bounded rationality and morality). My research has received funding from personal Veni (2010) and Vidi (2012) grants and an ERC-Consolidator grant (2016). I have served as a chair of Veni-panels, as committee member of Vidi-panels, and reviewer of personal grant proposals for the ERC, the US National Science Foundation and other national grant agencies.
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